Environmental Policy


We recognise the IT industry can have a positive environmental impact, for example reduction in emissions from improved homeworking and video communication systems. We also acknowledge however that there are areas where the IT industry has a negative environmental impact, for example the frequent replacement of IT hardware as technology advances and the environmental impact of both manufacture and disposal.


As a service-based Company we are not involved in the manufacture of equipment but recognise that our buying decisions can have a major impact on environmental issues. We also recognise that our day-to-day operation contributes to environmental issues.  This policy seeks to minimise these issues as much as possible.

The vast majority of our work is done remotely, saving costs and time for both parties. Occasional client visits are made using privately owned transport. The extent of business travel or vehicle efficiency is not addressed in this policy.


Our core values include the following statement “Every day we are striving to have a positive impact on our community and the environment as a whole.” Showing our public commitment.

Over recent years, progress in relation to environmental issues has been made, for example we already:

  1. Consider the environmental impact of the purchasing decision we make and select suppliers with the best green credentials where possible.
  2. Provide IT services to our clients using sustainable energy wherever possible.
  3. Donate a proportion of profits to tree planting schemes that offset our environmental impact.
  4. Ensure that our recycling facilities are fit for purpose and used appropriately by staff both personally and for recycling packaging from IT equipment.
  5. Send all retired IT equipment to be recycled by specialists.
  6. Encourage biodiversity on our grounds through our wildflower garden, bird and bug boxes, and by not using any herbicides or chemicals.
  7. Have Included the achievement of ISO14001 in our Business Strategy.

Examples of areas we still need to work on are to:

  1. Educate our employees about this policy and their roles and responsibilities.
  2. Reduce our energy consumption and use renewable sources wherever possible.
  3. Use 100% suppliers that offer sustainable solutions or completely the offset their environmental impact.
  4. Become an “Ethical Consumer” who pays more for furniture and office equipment that has been made ethically and has a longer lifespan.
  5. Ensure our cleaner is using only biodegradable cleaning products.

As part of our work towards ISO14001 we are committed to creating a robust environmental management system to develop our contribution to reducing environmental issues. This will help us to by implementing a program to systematically deliver this policy in a strategic way.


Signed by: Stuart Bowen, Managing Director

Signed by: Anna Bowen, Director