Have the freedom to run your business, whilst we monitor your computers, manage all your security updates and fix many issues before you even know about them!
Experience hassle free Technology, with peace of mind that our expert technicians will step in with unlimited helpdesk support (should you need it) backed by guarantees.
Feel reassured by a fixed price, monthly support plan, including super-fast, discounted on-site support if needed (which is unlikely).
Have the peace of mind that your data is secure, and you are protected by the best antivirus and scam software on the market.
Give all your team our simple, Cyber Security Training Booklet. Feel safe knowing that your business is covered by our Virus and Data Recovery Guarantees!

Worried about the impact of technical down time on your business?
It’s important to choose the right package for your business needs.
Why not get a quote here or book a discovery call with us to find out exactly how we can help your business!
The PETA Package
- Remote Monitoring
- Managed Security Updates
- Managed Antivirus
- Automatic Fixes
- Annual Strategic Review
- Unlimited Remote Support
- Microsoft 365 Support
- Remote Desktop - Home Working
- Advanced Cyber Protection
- Advanced Email Filtering
Ready to get started?
Get an instant quote or book a meeting with Stuart to explore our IT support services.
Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.
Once we install our application onto your devices then our Remote Monitoring Suite proactively checks your devices and spots small problems before they turn into big ones! Rather than wait for problems to happen, the application alerts our engineers so we can fix small problems, before they cause you down time.
The checks are performed by the Remote Monitoring Suite on a schedule. Giving you peace of mind that we are doing our job and keeping you safe so you can get on with running your business!
The Remote Monitoring Suite will be monitoring your devices 24/7. As well as the regular checks, it performs 24/7 monitoring so that our engineers can spot, diagnose and fix other problems fast. We get instant alerts so we can resolve the issue as soon as the day starts, usually before you are even aware of it. We will save you down time and money, dealing with issues that were often avoidable!
If you want to know exactly what The Remote Monitoring Suite and our engineers will be doing behind the scenes, then go to to see our full list of automated checks. All checks take place on a schedule, some are daily and the rest range from every 30 minutes to every 60 seconds!
And all this is done automatically! Even if our technicians had a bad day, were sick or busy all the checks are automated so they ALWAYS happen!
All computers run software and that software is targeted by hackers who want to cause disruption or steal. Over time therefore they find vulnerabilities in the code that software uses. The software designers obviously want to protect their product and reputation, so they regularly send out Security Updates to their code in order to stay one step ahead of the hackers and fraudsters. We need to manage security updates so that they are uploaded to your computer as soon as they are released in order to keep the software functioning properly and the data on your computer safe from damage and theft. We will manage your security updates for you using our Remote Monitoring Suite so that you don’t have to worry about it. In addition to Windows updates, we ensure that Microsoft Office, Chrome, Firefox, iTunes and Java are all kept up to date. For a full list of Approved Business Software that we support click here.
Managed Antivirus allows you to stay one step ahead of people who want to disrupt businesses or steal your data, usually in order to extort money from you. We will install and manage the best antivirus product available, ensuring that your virus protection is properly installed, remains active and is up to the job!
Thereafter we will manage your antivirus software for you, so you can get on with running your business. We are so confident in our management that we guarantee that your virus protection will never expire!
Once installed on your devices, our management agent has many scripts for self-healing, saving crucial and your valuable time in liaison with our engineers. Everything will work simply and seamlessly because of the automated remote checks and automatic fixes. We will solve your users issues so easily and quickly that you won’t even know we’ve been there!
Unlimited Helpdesk Support which allows users to call our IT Helpdesk from 8.50am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) for telephone support using our remote software. This enables us to quickly and effectively fix IT problems by taking control of the user’s mouse.
Unlimited Helpdesk Support also includes Remote PC Set Up. When we purchase a computer on your behalf, we will arrange for the computer to be delivered to your premises, you unbox it and plug it in and connect to the internet. Once you have internet connection we can remotely install Microsoft Office and your antivirus, set up emails, connect to printers, install your Company specific applications as well as our Remote Monitoring Suite application.
As well as proactive monitoring and checks you will gain via the Remote Monitoring Suite you will receive unlimited Helpdesk support for users and any technical issues that arise. By empowering us to fix your issues remotely, you are also enabling us to fix any issues that come up instantly, without having to first gain your authorisation to do the work, preventing any unnecessary delays! By paying monthly for Unlimited helpdesk Support work you will save crucial and valuable time in liaison with our engineers.
Our top IT guy will come out to your premises annually to find out how we are doing and what we can do to support your business as it changes (or you can come to ours for a coffee if you prefer). Think of this session as meeting with your IT Manager.
We will bring info from our Remote Monitoring Suite about each of your computers, their age, any recurrent fixes that are impacting on your productivity, upcoming licence requirements, memory, speed etc. We will discuss your business needs plans for the next 3-5 years along with your current IT infrastructure and come up with a maintenance plan that is right for your business needs and budget! The annual Business Technology Review offers you a personalised, expert, money saving maintenance plan which will help you to feel in control of your investment in IT.
We will select the recurring day and time with you during the Onboarding process.
Microsoft 365 Support includes setting up new users, allocating mailboxes, creating email addresses, aliases and distribution groups e.g., investigating undelivered emails etc. Tera and Peta clients receive unlimited 365 support as part of their package.
For clients on the Peta package, we conduct a thorough IT audit and produce your personalised IT Security Report. The Security report identifies yours most critical risks and provides comprehensive recommendations. The assessment is based on the well-known and highly regarded NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
Some clients are happy with a basic level of Virus protection and don’t worry about being hacked, being held to ransom or losing data. Clients with IT dependent businesses, particularly where there are multiple users who may or may not be savvy about viruses, feel they need extra protection.
In today’s society your employees are frequently exposed to sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. The sophistication of phishing emails today are particularly impressive, disguising themselves as communication from people or companies that we engage with every day. Without proper training it’s easy to slip up.
Our Peta package includes a simple, easy to follow, Cyber Security Training booklet for each employee. The booklet covers the five most important things you and your employees need to know about how to protect your Company from Cybercrime. Simply ensure your employee spend a maximum of thirty minutes going through the booklet, and they will understand the mechanisms of social engineering and will be able to operate cybersafe working practices, every single day!
If you want to add a little extra protection for peace of mind, we can organise for some further on-line Security Awareness Training. Our Security Awareness specialists will invite employees and then test the effectiveness of the additional Phishing Awareness Training using simulated phishing attacks, choosing from thousands of templates. Although the take up of this service was less than 2% when we rolled it out to our clients as a free service, the training is system is extremely thorough and sophisticated. They provide a fully automated system to identify security weak spots and eliminate them immediately. They also provide regular management information, both statistically and graphically on for both security awareness training and phishing training. Simply let us know and we will arrange it for you.
Are your staff cyber safe?
– Debbie Ellison, M Chapman & Sons Textiles Ltd

Having been let down by our previous I.T. support company, I’ve found Bandicoot to be a complete breath of fresh-air. They have been extremely competent, helpful and responsive to all our challenges and on the back of that, I’m committed to including Bandicoot in all our forthcoming & future I.T. Projects. I have been reassured by the level of support provided by Bandicoot to date. It helps me to sleep at night so on this basis, I am happy to personally recommend Stuart and his team to you too.