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How Much Does Web Development Cost?

web development

One of the first things that people will want to know when they are looking to have a new website or revamp their existing one is, how much does web development cost?

What Type Of Website Do You Want?

The amount of money you will spend on a website will ultimately depend on the type of website you are looking for and what you want customers to be able to do on it.

Another factor is how many of the different stages of a website creation you may be looking after yourself?

Let’s break it down into 3 stages to start with.

The Website Name

You will need to have the website domain registered, once you decide what your website is going to be called you can check to see if it is available.

There are online checks you can use simply by typing the preferred name in to the search box.

For example, if you search ‘Bandicoot’ you will see that name is taken, phew. But that there are alternatives available along with prices.

Web Hosting

Next, you will need to find a server to host your website and all of it’s files.

Now, you can easily register a domain name and even create a website on your own computer, if you want to.

But in order for other people to see it, you need somewhere for it to be hosted.

There are free web hosting providers available, WordPress being the most popular, but the amount of storage space available will be limited.

Website Content

The next step is content for your website. This goes back to what we said at the start about the type of website you want and last month we wrote in detail about the different types of websites available.

You may want a static page that doesn’t need updating very often, you may want lots of web copy, web copy with technical information and brochures, to sell products on your website, regular written blog and social media posts.

All of which will have an impact on how much web development will cost.

Why Pay For Web Development?

You may be asking yourself, if I can do all of this myself then why pay for it?

Which is a good question, but do you have the time?

If you are busy doing what you are best at, running your own business, are there enough hours in the day for you to be creating good quality web content?

If the answer is no, then it is worth the cost of handing this over to professionals.

When you google how much web development costs you will see a wide variety of prices from hundreds of companies ranging from less than a grand for a basic web page design to thousands and thousands of pounds for a more bespoke website creation.

With so much choice you may find it difficult to choose who to use, well the first thing we would recommend is to contact us here at Bandicoot Towers!

Many of the larger web development companies are based in London and may get a more faceless, generic customer journey, whereas we are based in Burnley and are down to earth, available to meet and chat face to face.

We also won’t baffle you with technical talk or try to tie you into paying for things that you don’t really need.

They are also hundreds of freelancers available, one point to bear in mind is that good as they are, if they are a one man band operation then factor in what happened if they are off sick, on holiday or you can’t get hold of them.

A good rule of thumb when checking out a web developers website is a) does it look good? And b) have they got any reviews or testimonials?

If their website is poor, then why would you trust them to look after yours and good reviews from customers will assure you that you can trust them.

What Happens When There Is A Problem?

That is the other benefit of using a web hosting service is that if something goes wrong, they can fix it.

From software that needs updating or problems with networks or servers, web hosting can look after all of that for you.

They will also ensure that your website is backed up, so that in case of an emergency you won’t lose any information.

The best web hosts will offer a 24-hour service too, so you don’t wake up to find out that your website has been down overnight when your USA customers usually place their orders.

Get In Touch

If you would like to have a chat with us about our website hosting services or any of the other IT services that we provide then please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can call our team of experts on 01282 506 616 or you can contact us via our online form here.

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