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Security Awareness: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

Security Awareness

There is a lot of talk in the IT world surrounding Security Awareness Importance.

This blog aims to answer the frequently asked questions surrounding security awareness and what about it is imperative for our protection online.

What Is Security Awareness?

Security awareness is a strategy put in place to protect web users from being at risk online. It is usually put into place and used by IT and security professionals. Security awareness training programmes are established so that employees or web users can acknowledge how to combat security and data breaches.

The goal is to provide a safe and secure environment online for a business’ employees and customers.

James E. Sellers in ‘The Professional Protection Officer’ says “Security awareness provides a framework of established policies and procedures that the participants employ by reporting unsafe conditions, suspicious activity, and noticing general safety breaches.’

Understanding how secure you are online is a crucial element of security awareness.  With the everchanging internet comes the evolving malware and an increase in security risks so it is important to create a security-conscious culture within our business. Employees becoming security-aware means that a wider understanding of cyber-attacks and therefore how to prevent them is uncovered.

Why Is Security Awareness Important?

With 90% of security breaches being caused by human negligence, we must be aware of the importance of online security.

Preventing Breaches And Attacks

Security awareness is important as it makes us as businesses develop a greater understanding of what a security breach looks like and how to prevent it. The ROI on security awareness training programmes can be huge, upping your online security is inexpensive in comparison to data breaches that can cost businesses millions.

Make Technological Defences Stronger

Technological defences prevent breaches. But they require human interception. Employees of a business must be aware of how to; turn firewalls on, understand security warnings and update software.

Give Your Customers Confidence

It isn’t only businesses that are aware of cyber threats. Security awareness is also valid for the consumer. Those who want to feel safe and secure when online. Security awareness will increase consumer trust in your site.

Improve Employee Wellbeing

Perhaps not at the forefront of your mind when considering security awareness within your business, but important, nonetheless. Happy employees are more productive, and more and more organisations are prioritising corporate wellbeing because of this. Security awareness keeps your employees safe at work and in their personal lives. Look at security awareness as an important strategy for both employer and employee.

How Do I Implement Security Awareness?

Now that you know what it is, and why it’s important, you need to know how to establish security awareness within your business. In a nutshell, establishing security awareness requires education, time, and planning. Clear internal communications and the appropriate training are the keys to unlocking a cyber secure organisation.

Employees, business owners, and IT specialists should all be aware of how to create security awareness.

  • Strict policies and procedures should be put into place regarding data retention and passwords.
  • All employees should be able to properly manage sensitive data.
  • Understand which security tools you need – data breaches are often a result of inappropriate tools.
  • Employees should be aware of how to respond to a data breach.

Security Awareness At Bandicoot

At Bandicoot, we understand the importance of security awareness. Therefore, our packages include phishing awareness training, email virus and spam protection and a security audit and report. We take cyber security seriously and aim to work with businesses to better their understanding of the importance of security online.

Sign up now for a FREE copy of our Cyber Security Booklet!

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Want some more advice on how security awareness? Need some help implementing it? We can help!

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